Welcoming 2022

Saturday 1st January 2022

Happy New Year! What a strange year 2021 was, especially when we thought it was the beginning of the end at the start of the year. Let's hope 2022 is better all round. 

Last Sunday, once I finished the service, I started with a bit of a cold - a usual reaction to stopping suddenly at Christmas. It wasn't much at the start of the week and I felt fine. However, in the last couple of days it has developed to full blown cold and now I'm feeling pretty rough with it - thankfully I continue to get negative LFT results. I had a good lie in this morning, in fact I only just made it downstairs before midday! Originally I was going home first thing. Mum had kindly prepared a meal so I stayed for lunch and then set off home.

I didn't feel like stopping for a blip so I just pulled in to this handy gateway a few miles from home, the same gateway I used last year!  I was listening to an audible book so when I got home I sat down to listen to a bit more and it wasn't long before I was asleep again. I woke early evening and I've just done a bit of work to prepare the news sheet for tomorrow. I've handed over the whole of tomorrow to my curate and I'm going to stay in bed to try and throw this off. It takes a lot to stop my completely when I'm not well. 

I think I have now caught up on blip comments and wished everyone a Happy New Year. A clean sheet now and my new year resolution is to try to be a better blipper this year.

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