
By Lozzaness

This is my first time shooting fireworks in 2 years.
Last year we actually had zero cases and they cancelled the fireworks.
This year we have ~6000 cases a day and they decided to go ahead with fireworks anyway, with the caveat that there'd be no rooftop fireworks and the warning of "Fireworks will not be visible outside of the 4 zones so make sure you get a ticket or stay away".
I thought everyone would be clamouring to get a spot, so I decided to go into the city around 5ish to find a spot. Turned out I could have arrived at 8:30 and still got a spot - there were so few people in the city. I had maybe 20 people around me (we were on a bridge) and there was a handful of groups on each side of the river. And my train heading home was empty.
The fireworks weren't anything exciting - it was literally this style of firework for 8 minutes and that was it. But still nice to see them.
I didn't stay for midnight.

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