NZ Autumn 2025

By AndrewNZ

Classic & Vintage Motorcycle show

Every year, without C19, the local Classic and Vintage Motorcycle Club have a show and this year being my first Blip year it was too good an opportunity to miss.

The main picture is a pair of magnificently restored Hendersons, a 1923 1300cc Deluxe on the left and a 1917 1000cc Model G on the right, they really are concourse condition.

The Extra is a collage of bikes that interested me, clock wise from top left:-
*A 1965 Honda 350cc at 13 years old I always aspired to own one but never did.
*A 1946 Ariel VG Deluxe 500cc owned by the same person since 1968 and just completed a three year restoration.
*This one made me smile, a 350cc Matchless although its a mix of Matchless and AJS parts ranging from 1948 to 1963.
*How times and technology have changed this is a 1958 Honda PS 50 and having pedals is classified as a moped not a motorcycle.
*Finally in the centre is the Honda C50 of 1967 vintage, a friend had one and we did many miles two up on it so I have fond memories of it and I recently saw that Honda are producing a near replica but with 125cc power. 2022 Honda Super Cub

I hope the pictures are not too grainy as I had trouble getting my flash to fire!

Other than the show it has been a relaxing day, out for lunch so no dinner needed, K to brush ready for his care home visit and a lazy evening.

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