CannyScot's Day

By CannyScot

Storm Damage

A sunny, mild day

At church I was leading and preaching. Unfortunately, the heating had malfunctioned and it was very cold so I kept wearing my bulky Jacket - probably the first time I have ever done this. Still, it was all fine in the end.

On the way home, I stopped beside some fallen trees, which had been blown over by storm Arwen last month. I got chatting to a guy who was trying to clear up some of the branches who reckoned that at least 50 large trees had come down. This was in a stretch of woods just off the road, which is north facing. He said that once the main part of the trunks had been removed, the huge roots would fall back of their own accord into the hole. He and other neighbours on this piece of land hope to have several years worth of material for their wood burning stoves at home.

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