Better Than Nothing

Housekeeping for both AW and myself.  Gaming also for the both of us.

Something a gaming friend posted on her site, which I will post here for myself as it is a good reminder of how I should see and do the daily stuff:
= Do one thing at a time.
= Do it slowly and deliberately.
= Do it completely.
= Do less.
= Put space between things.
= Develop rituals
= Designate time for certain things.
= Devote time to sitting.
= Smile and serve others.
= Make cleaning and cooking become meditation.
= Think about what is necessary.
= Live simply.

Already doing some of them, but not consistently, and there are three I need to pay attention to.  I don't believe in making resolutions, but one day at a time has worked well.  Much like the daily BLIP journal, hm?

The booster shot on 31 Dec hardly had an effect on AW, but I was feverish yesterday.  Boostered myself after dinner with a massive combination of Paracetamol and Ibuprofen and went to bed on the early side, only to be woken up, fully recovered, after about 2.5 hours, by the sound of the exhaust, which AW had turned on to clear the air downstairs.  I felt so much better that I stayed awake for another couple of hours, and then tumbled into bed, only to be woken up again around 2.5 hours later by AW, who was suffering from too much tummy air and had to gas out in the wc, and then I couldn't fall asleep again because I had to turn on the exhaust and kept it on for about 1.5 hours.  Finally, back to bed and woke up some 6 hours later.  No more fever at all, and the pain on my arm was gone, as was the stiffness.  Some booster!

Shot this on a short stroll as I preferred to take an outdoor shot.  This was not the only bit of sun, but this was the only sun that hung around long enough for a shot.

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