New reality day 523

Shot from our evening walk. It's snowing again. And we're supposed to get 3 day storm from Wednesday. Bad driving weather hanging over us for a week! So it's gonna be a horrible working week weather wise and with time consumed with driving to work and back. Well, I hope the forecast will get better.

Today I cut some new curtains and hung them. From the cut pieces I made a table cloth for our dining table. I like the new look of our kitchen area. I also changed few curtains to new ones in the living room as the dogs had ruined one curtain by lifting their paws on it.

What else? Well, we watched one movie which was pretty good. Had a long talk on the telephone with my friend. She was supposed to come tomorrow for a visit, but as the Covid numbers are rising rapidly we postponed it - again. The good news is that even with rapidly rising numbers , the ICUs are not full. Most people get through it pretty good. I think the whole Finland has about 350 people hospitalized for Covid. Under 50 in ICU.

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