Just the two of us (Day 2430)

A bit of a change from the routine this morning with just a quick visit to the horses to check they were all ok.
Home for an early lunch before I took Sigyn for a wander at Lyde, while my beautiful wife got stuff organised at home. My plan had been for the usual wander down the road then turn and retrace my steps back to the truck. When I got to the usual turning point, I looked up the road to see a string of other dog walkers following me down the hill. Passing them would have meant having Sigyn on the lead pretty much all the way. Instead we cut up onto the hills and followed tracks between old peat banks to make our way back to the truck. Sigyn was delighted, and filthy.
Home for a brief stop before taking HV to the airport for a trip south.
I had another visit to the horses as darkness fell, I gave them all more feed and made sure they were all happy enough before heading home again.
Sigyn will be keeping me in line until HV returns from south.

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