The Shooting Ground

I took a short drive this afternoon and had a pleasant, if somewhat windblown walk. I went in hope rather than expectation of seeing a few birds for my new yearlist, but as it was so blustery, I wasn't too optimistic. I'd done about three quarters of my walk and seen only a few crows prospecting in the muddy fields but then a small flock of waders flew over - probably Golden Plover, but as they did not bank into the sunlight before disappearing I couldn't be sure. But then my luck changed. A Lapwing flew lazily across the path then I spotted a good-sized flock of birds, feeding in a field of winter wheat. On inspection, they turned out to be a mixed flock of Starlings, Redwings and Fieldfares. (see extras)
Christmas and New year has been a bit disorienting so I'd forgotten it was Sunday, until at midday, I heard the crack of gunfire from the Shooting Ground. I think the birds must be used to it and know it poses no threat. I've even seen the odd pheasant wandering across the fields right next to the range.

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