and through the wire...

By hesscat

Positive Thinking

It would be good to take a leaf out of this rose's, er book? It may be darkest winter with all sorts of weather, but it's out here, battered and bruised adding some colour to my world. I know, only the 2nd of January and this is far too early to be profound!

Ok, I'll change the topic... I shared last night's Clout video with my fam tonight, coz I couldn't stop playing it last night after finding it, and as usual, youtube took me down the rabbit hole with various songs of the 70s and 80s, and types of characters and personalities that to me seem missing in recent decades, so I checked the top 40 chart to see who was er, topping the pop charts and O.M.G.... 40 songs almost all are Christmas songs of days gone by. Seriously, and I'm only saying this here because the fam were just laughing at my ranting, what is the point in a chart of streamed songs, it's pointless... where's the excitement of waiting for new songs to make their way up the chart, what a shame da kids are missing out on that fun, and from what I can tell, most of them don't even take notice of the charts, it's all gone... aw... shame...

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