

Another hot day with only a gentle breeze disturbing any air currents. 

A late morning high tide and a swim was perfect - my first for this summer. Finally the scar has healed, plus a wait of two weeks and now I’m cleared for a much loved summer pastime. 

Many thanks for the visits, comments and stars for the sky diver - and just in cases you thought it was me whooshing through the sky I can assure you it wasn’t!!

Covid update
Saturday 1st & Sunday 2nd - combined numbers as there was no tally given for New Year Day.
105 new community cases - 71 in Auckland, 7 in Waikato, 22 in Bay of Plenty, 4 in Lakes, 
1 in Hawke’s Bay
43 in hospital, with 5 in intensive care
2 deaths
2 Omicron cases detected at the border, and in MIQ (total 90)

Monday 3rd January 
27 new community cases - 12 in Auckland, 7 in Waikato, 7 in Bay of Plenty, 1 in Lakes
44 in hospital, with 5 in intensive care
0 cases of Omicron reported at the border

Vaccines administered to date (percentage of eligible people)
94.9% first doses 
92.1% second doses 

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