Locked out

I had intended to get up early and start another 6 week peloton training plan. Alas I have been struck down by gout again.

Last time it was after Chinese duck pancakes, last night we had goose pancakes….. I’m going to avoid pancakes..

I limped onto the landing to an horrific pong and a large puddle of… well Molly really didn’t like the goose either it seems.

Two more vast pools of in in the hall and a pile of sick. Not good. It’s 7pm and the house still smells. I’ve scrubbed, bleached, disinfected, used boiling water, lit candles, opened windows…

Anyway I cleaned it all up, then escaped to the garden to fix the ailing lawnmower, annoyingly it’s broken, luckily it turns out it’s a £5 part, hopefully we’ll have it back online next week.

A muddle walk with H and our sickly hound and then I popped into the office to change the battery in the doorbell. Annoyingly the combination lock on the chain ( across the drive ) had seized, luckily we have a hammer so I ‘corrected it ‘.

Last evening of holiday so a film and a couple of glasses of wine. I hope everyone who is back tomorrow sleeps well and has a good day and as for those lucky swines who are till off…. ;) nice planning.

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