Desert Squirrel

By PolS

Demolition Party

Today we've been to a demolition party, not sure whether it is to be the first of many. Our friends are to have their house demolished and rebuilt because of earthquake damage to the foundations and they have moved out into temporary accommodation. So the invite was to bring a chair, plate, mug, and felt tip pens etc to decorate the walls of their emptied house. And there was food and drink for all. The insurance company is happy for the gib wall claddings to be defaced, but not the joinery, which may be recycled.

The guests weren't a particularly artistic bunch, but managed to cover a fair proportion of the wall area with various scribbles. I didn't think to take a proper camera, and it wasn't easy to get into appropriate positions to capture the best of the art work, but here is an average sort of example.

I did play around with some cactus and succulent flowers today, but there wasn't anything I was especially happy with, so I'll try again tomorrow.

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