Leaving it til the last minute!

I’ve known this was on at the M shed for ages - but because I’m not going into the centre much, I managed to leave it to the afternoon of the last day.The statue was shown along with some placards from the demonstration, some timelines of Colston’s  life, and the history of the statue, including the many recent campaigns to have it taken down. Also some newspaper coverage and some quotes of opinions (from every side) expressed by local people. The consultation about what to do with it was over, but I’m happy with what the majority view appears to be. Of course Bristol has its culture wars like anywhere else these days but the majority view (80%) agreed it should have been taken down - though not necessarily in the way it was. (Only 56% agreed it should have been pulled down and thrown in the harbour). It will be shown in a museum in Bristol, with an expanded display about the slave trade and the fortunes made, the role of Colston in Bristol, why the statue was put up, multicultural Bristol, Black Lives Matter and the international movement, and the question of how could it be appropriate to have the statue of a slave trader to look up at in the centre of a multiracial city. 
The extra is of a few of the placards from the demonstration on the day it was pulled down June 7th 2020. I was at the demonstration, but not present when the statue fell.

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