
By Grammy

As Predicted

Snowy all day, high of 35 deg F. It was mixed with sleet in the morning when I filled the bird feeders around 7:30 am. We had a ton of birdies today. There was a bit of wind which made it feel colder than it was but not as high as we expected. Schools were cancelled and the grands had a great play day. They sent me pics of all the great fun. Parker came to get his 4-wheeler so he could pull a sled around the neighborhood. As you can see, it wasn’t easy putting the bike away. Granddad and he had to push it across the yard. Then Parker swept all the snow out of my new shed where he’s keeping his ATV this winter. I did not take the pic of River but had to include his first experience with the white stuff. It was a heavy wet snow and we had tree damage. I am hoping that pine tree that is leaning over my garden does not snap off. Kim and Kristen lost Internet service and Kristen also lost power. We did not measure the accumulation but there is probably between 6-8 inches out there which is a lot for our area. Hubby was wishing he had his 4-wheeler so he could play in it. But no sense taking chances with his knee. The neighbor offered to clean the driveway. We were quite productive today. Hubby cleaned his study and made a stand for all his guitars and mandolins. I ironed and watered my plants in the basement (includes all we brought in from our gardens.). Otherwise, we simply enjoyed watching the snow fall. Hoping you had a fun day as well. Thanks for stopping by. “Kindness is like snow—it beautifies everything it covers.” – Kahlil Gibran

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