A splash of sunshine

on the daffs.

And that's all it was.

I walked down to the churchyard to see how the daffs had fared, covered in snow for so long. I stopped to chat to Bonny's mum (Bonny is terrified of traffic and her owner is lovely and working so hard to calm her and reassure her). I took a few photos, relieved to see that the snow hadn't harmed these beautiful blooms

And as I watched, the sun came out - let me take two shots - and went in again!

By the way, it's also blowing a freezing wind...... April.

I'm rather fed up of this global warming now.

By the way, Sparkie is fine after her trip to the vet's. She went for her booster, and to make sure that her poorly foot had healed. Thank you for asking xx

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