
By YellowBalloon

Biba Logo

I bought a t-shirt with this Biba logo on it 50 years ago this year.  I was on my very first trip to London from Newcastle when I visited the Biba shop in Kensington High Street.  What a fantastic and amazing shop it was.  I'd never seen anything like it and still to this day I don't think I've ever visited a more wonderful and exciting shop.  Of course I had to buy a souvenir of my visit there so bought the t-shirt.

The t-shirt is absolutely tiny and sadly there is no way I would fit in it now but it is something I treasure.  I did lend it to a friend a few years ago who was attending a 1970's party.

I thought London was amazing - the shops, the sights, the way people  dressed.   I have been to London many times since and although I don't want to live there I still love it and find it an exciting place to be.

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