Cowpren Point

The salt marshes off the Cark / Flookburgh peninsula. I'm sure there are at least 2920 small pools in the marshes to mark my 2920th entry. Goodness.  That's 8 years of Blips and it means its 9 years since I gave up work because it took me a year to get round to committing my photos to Blip, thank you Robin for starting me off. I've had a quick look at my journal statistics for all time:-  
The most viewed photo is a picture of the Surgeons Hall in Edinburgh - Why??
The most favourited photo is Mr P finishing his Wainwrights on Lingmoor Fell so that's very appropriate, thank you even though its a terrible photo.  But of course it was also 2000 Blips and you are all very generous with your hearts on special days . Thank you all for visiting. 

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