Still flowering

We’ve still got flowers on the balcony… going for 12 month colour. Improbably the bidens still has a few flowers on it, and we also have some cyclamen and some hellebores and even a few pansies. Best of all are these tiny little winter honeysuckle flowers. I blipped some of the buds earlier, but more have been coming out. With a bit of encouragement we might have a pretty good plant eventually.

The one thing that is *not* happy is my oxalis. I think it’s been too cold in our living room whilst we were away and the heating was not on. I’ve moved it into Mr A’s room where it is warm, but not very sunny. Let’s see how it goes. Last year it went down to just one stem/leaf. I think we may be heading in that direction this year too.

Back to work, more or less, today, although very few emails incoming. That allowed me to get quite a bit done, with a quiet focus. I also headed out for a lengthy walk, using the excuse of a bright sunny day to walk up to Real Foods, which is the only place around here that I know does the Maldon Smoked Salt which Mr A likes using in cooking. I picked up a few other bits and pieces as well. It was rather fun to run into my colleague NNS at the top of Leith Walk. She was just out for her daily walk around the Crags, and later on she sent me a great photo of the light on there today. Anyway, going out for a lengthy walk meant I didn’t get on the spinning bike. But the weather was too good to waste. There will be plenty of crappy days for spinning.

It’s comparatively tiring, this working lark. I find myself strangely weary this evening.

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