Snapshots of my world

By yeeeeed

Thank You!

Bbbrrr the temperatures sure plummeted overnight making for an icy, frosty and snowy start with nothing much melting throughout the day. However, it has been beautifully bright and sunny through the classroom windows which has helped to give a sense of warmth despite the open windows and lack of heating. :-)

Today’s blip is the front cover and January photo from my 2022 calendar gifted to me by fellow blipper Markabol . I'm always extremely grateful as the photos are gorgeous and showcase some of my favourite local locations, views and walks. Thank you ever so much to him. :-)

Back to it today although we're already two teachers down and I have two positive cases within my class which I believe is similar across all year groups. However, I'm glad it's not been a rerun of this time last year when Bojo declared the huge changes to school settings. Highlights of my day were a lovely walk and chat with Holly after school and one child's take on living and non living in science..."you can't kill them so it must be non living". True fact!!

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