
Inset day at school. However, Tuesday is not my working day but it was my first official looking after O day.  Nat will be doing half days this month before returning full time.

When I arrived Sim opened the door and informed me they had overslept… great start :-D and then he informed me that his shift had changed to nights but he thought I’d mind if he cancelled me lol.  I know his shifts change at the last minute and I said they just need to let me know.

I did stay though, how could I not :-) gave him his breakfast, had a play and then time for another nap. Had a nice catch up with Sim and suggested he made the most of me being there so he went to the gym. More play time with O and then had a sandwich with them before I headed off.

I decided to stop at Wisley for a walk on the way home.  Although I feel we’ve been busy over the holidays, I’ve done very little walking and needed a bit of fresh air.  It’s turned very cold and was 4c on my walk.  Today is the last evening for the Christmas illuminations at Wisley.

Mr C and I had planned to go to quiz tonight but half hour before we were due to leave Lucy messaged to say she had broken down just outside her school. Mr C went to see if he could jump start her but was unable to do it with his car so called me to go in my car. Still unable to start it she then called the RAC who said they hoped to be with her within 3 hours. Mr C and I headed home and a while later she messaged to say he had turned up.  It appears she needs a new alternator. He got it started and followed her home and gave her battery a bit of a charge with the hope it will be enough to get it to a garage.

And that’s my Tuesday. 

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