
By MerlotsDad


Had to go to the hospital again today in Oxford so left home a little early in order to take a picture of the stocks in Dinton. When I got there, I thought...not very photogenic & the originals are in the church. Dinton Hall is next door to the church but has a high wall around most of it. I walked down the road a few yards & notice a public footpath which took me along the back of the house.

Wow what a place !

It has its origins in the 14th Century though it's most infamous owner was Simon Mayne who was a close friend of Cromwell who took an active part in the downfall of the monarchy...(sounds good this) in 1649. One of his employees was a man called John Bigg who sat in the court that condemned Charles I to death. It is believed that John Bigg may have been the executioner also & following the Restoration in 1660 & the arrest of Simon Mayne, JB became very despondant & depressed and shut himself away from the world. Hence the legend of the Dinton Hermit was born, & a pub down the road bears this name.

Dinton Hall incidentally was divided up into different dwellings a few years ago but retains many of its original features including the beautiful chimneys of which there are many.

The church is dedicated to St Peter & St Paul & dates from the 12th time I visit the village I will go in.

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