
I just love it when AW is with any of his grandbabies.  They're all just grand!

D-I-L Rani's 37th birthday today, and to make sure the guidelines are followed, we were told to come in the evening.  We had a riot!  Mostly younger children, cousins of our grands on Rani's side (we hardly get to see their cousins on Son's side, of course), who were bowling on-screen and screaming their heads off every time they scored.  The topic at the cake table was..... travel.  Son and Family had gone to Landal Parks in Denmark sometime end of October last year, with the car, of course, and we thumbed through their little book of memories.  Oh, wouldn't it be good to be able to go about again!  It is a much more pleasant activity to dream and hope for better days than moan and groan about the present.

Today, an inordinate amount of time was spent on three things.  One, I changed the lay-out of my CV by choosing an infographic online.  Had to do it online, too.  And then the website said I had to pay to download it to my own computer.  I understand why, of course.  However, instead of doing that, I opened a new WORD document and screen shot the entire CV in pieces, and then pasted them onto the A4 sheet, et voila!  Then I went back to it online and deleted it there.  Wouldn't want my personal details on such a public spot, would I.

The second thing was a start to clearing and cleaning my room again.  Finally got the printer on the spot where I wanted it, but had to displace other things, and now it's time to examine those displaced things and see if I still need them and where to put them.  More stuff will go into the bin, I think, but a lot of stuff will go to new spots.  AW proposed I move my 'desk' to another part of the room, and I drew the line there.  I'm comfortable enough where it is at the moment.

The third thing was something I did every time I had to take a break -- gaming.  Nothing new with that one.  It was after dinner that we went to Son's house, and when we came back, I just picked up with all three where I'd left off.  This is all contrary to what was on the List two days ago, about doing one thing at a time slowly and completing each one.  I did, though, do all things mindfully.  There are benefits to having some kind of hole in the head, sometimes.

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