One very laid back cat

He is lying on the settee showing off that gorgeous tummy. Four pusscat, having eaten, hurtled around the place for a few minutes this morning, all are now flat out, each in different rooms.

John is packing up the last of lights and saying good bye to the festive season, it was lovely with a good number of planned and unplanned small gatherings in recent weeks.

We now look forward to see what this year will bring and planning where to go in the motorhome, we have to plan, it may be cancelled but there is a need now for something to happen.

When out last night a friend mentioned the words ‘ I’ve been thinking, how about we….’ (They were planning some changes) and it brought home to me, neither John or I have said those words for a while, it always means a plan is forming, possibly something exciting like decorating a bedroom (I’m joking) or a place to go on holiday, or planning something in the garden. Most plans depend on the virus and how well the vaccinations work, we will see.

Best wishes to you all in your planning.

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