Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching

In the zone

Got one of those new video doorbells. Clever tech, as long as you know how to adjust them so that a bee flying by on the other side of the road doesn’t trigger an alert.

Our home continues to get smarter as I get older and and less with it. Hopefully the technology will continue to progress so that it can look after me in my dotage. 

"Alexa, empty my bowels"
"Hello. Just to remind you to take your pills. Open wide please."
"Alexa what is my name?"
"Hello it’s time for your annual colonoscopy. Please assume the position".
"Alexa give me a chest x-ray and send it to my doctor".

One day…

For the moment I am developing a new theory called zonal living. Our lives are made up of zones, both physical and virtual. You need to focus on your zone of choice and be attentive (Grasshopper). Don’t try and be in more than one zone at a time. You’ll zone out …

Back to work today. Crap…

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