Just after Christmas the shrub was still totally bare, no sign on the branches that the buds would open. On New Year's Day I had time to do a short walk around the garden and saw to my utter surprise that the whole shrub was full of flowers and opening buds. Today I had some time to go to the shrub with my macro lens, those flower petals have such interesting shapes when they unfold. To see what the flower heads will look like when they're fully unfolded and out , see the extra (with some glistening seeds as well). The funny thing is that from a distance the shrub looks rather drab and brown, you really have to get close to see the beauty of the flowers. For Wild Wednesday with thanks to Cailleach :-)
Tomorrow's Abstract Thursday is theme-free and the tag will be AT341 !
Thanks very much for the kind comments and stars for yesterday's tulip.
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