
By XSworld

The ghost of covid..

I sometimes feel that Covid is like a ghost, travelling unseen among us and, well, you know what it does. The cases have been rising a lot in Italy lately, which is quite worrying and means that again we are more or less reclused, not meeting friends, activities cancelled and so on. Next door to where I work is the center for PCR tests in Bergamo and the queue of people waiting for the test has been increasing exponentially every day. Since today it was raining I had planned to photograph the queue, hoping that their use of an umbrella would mean that the photo would reveal only the quantity of people rather than their identity! But it stopped raining before I could take the photo. Then I had an errand to our storage cellar, and saw the queue through the frosted cellar windows and snapped a photo which in a strange way I thought might represent even better the ghost of covid!

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