Light and Drama

Some lovely photos of Zion and Charlee as we wandered round rectory - but I liked this one with the rainbow and light… but then just before we got home we had Charlee on a long extendable lead attached to an even longer non-extendable lead and were throwing sticks for her (she’d been fairly non-responsive on the walk so we didn’t dare let her off completely) - at which point she ran and though we shouted Zion stepped into the wrong place just as the lead went taut and was whacked in the forehead by a metal clip… cue lots of blood, Sam sweeping Zion up and taking him into the house with him saying “what is going to happen to me?!” Allegra screaming, and me trying to gather up the dog and other dropped belongings and drag them all into the garden whilst trying to calm Allegra! All very dramatic! He was soon cleaned up though, and I put on a make shift butterfly stitch covered by a big plaster followed by some calpol for the headache… then some popcorn and a film. Actually writing this almost a week later - all is well, though he was v closely monitored for a while!

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