Amandine's Plot Treize

By AmandineJardine

Log nest

I've had this log nest sitting in my shed for over a year. 

I was hoping to have my shed repaired or rebuilt. It's in a bad state - parts of it are rotten and parts of the internal roofing  are made of asbestos. The committee have been working on a whole site solution for people who have asbestos on their plot. But things have been happening (or not happening) at a snail's pace.

The log nest was for the new shed. At the start of 2022, I decided to make do with what I have (this shed has been here long before me and will probably still be standing... if more wobbly... when I leave).

My grand plan involves cleaning and tidying, painting the inside walls a light colour and adding storage solutions (a pallet to store tools, new hooks etc). I also need to work out if it's possible to line planks across the beams to cover the asbestos as a temporary fix. 

So I found this log nest while tidying and organising things and thought it might be useful for birds this winter. Let's see if it attracts new residents!

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