Anyone for milk?

Have not seen this guy around before.
Nothing like fresh milk delivered to your door.
That's a lot of milk for one door though.  
Should have followed him to see where he ended up.  

Corona Virus Update
Bahrain recorded1072 new cases, 0 fatalities and 280 recoveries today.

BAHRAIN has witnessed a 1,200 per cent surge in Covid-19 infections over the last three weeks.
The country registered 89 cases on December 19, the day it was placed on a precautionary yellow level. However, infections have spiked since then, crossing the 1,000 mark to hit 1,224 on Tuesday.
The number of active cases has also increased by more than 1,000pc during this period – from 534 on December 19 to 5,909 on Tuesday, with 13 people admitted to hospital.

Australia suffers record Covid cases ( 64,453) straining businesses and supply chains

French parliament approves Macron's vaccine pass
France registered a record of more than 332,000 new Covid-19 cases in the last 24 hours, and a further 246 Covid deaths in hospitals,

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