Aquamarine/Nanna K's Day

By NannaK

Old but Beautiful

The last of our anniversary roses  (dec 21) on the DR table after I just today took the xmas tablecloth off and walked it up to the cleaners on a miserable damp dark day.   Only one that gets used ..once a year.  Made tuscan bean soup and tried to tackle the beginning of a list of unfinished tasks with minimal success.    Terrible winter weather closing all the passes to Eastern WA. 

Thank you wonderful humans  for all that heart felt support yesterday!  My heart was so warmed and a bit overwhelmed by your interest for what to do about the leaky valve trial..  …of course you know what I will do if offered the opportunity…but this might take some time now so it’s time to focus elsewhere…(don’t worry, I’ll report.)   Blippers are so excellent!

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