Golden brown
All went well at the hospital, results to be confirmed within the next couple of weeks from 5 polyps removed, but no signs of cancer. Phew! What a relief!! 5 staff present for the procedure, including a very sweet young Indian nurse from Kerala, only been in the UK 3 months & missing home, a second young nurse from the Philippines, been here 10 months, the discharge nurse, an older lady from Bulgaria. I would have loved to find out more from the nurses, why they came, how they came, how long they plan to stay, none of which was possible of course.
I was grounded on Thursday as I'd had anesthetic etc. but felt absolutely fine. I was fit enough to operate the iron so the pile was reduced. Only 4 items to press. I avoid ironing where possible. I sorted a few bits n' bobs and came across a couple of empty chocolate boxes and inserts. Today's blip, one of the tray inserts resting on a bamboo bedside table lamp.
Thanks to Ingeborg for hosting Abstract Thursday
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