Between fen and mountains

By Tickytocky

Frost on kale

I moved my attention to the shed in the morning and tidied it up and threw some things out. On my walk, I called in to see a clock belonginging to the widow of the friend whose funeral I attended last week. I have packed away all my tools and cleaners but I was able to make an adjustment which may keep the clock working. We talked about Paul and his love for restoring old Rovers. I hadn't realised that he did all the restorations himself. There are three for which she has found good homes. The man who was supposed to do the gas safety check never turned up and has not answered my calls and messages. That was a bit frustrating as time is short to get these things done. However, the lady for the Energy Performance Certificate did turn up. The house came out as a D which means at some point improvements may need to be made. However, the improvement steps suggested come to £10,000-£15000 just to make the house £100 per annum more efficient. It is not on my immediate to do list!

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