I had the first of many follow up scans this morning at the hospital - all is well. Interestingly the urologist was from Siberia and was unimpressed that it was -31 degrees in my hometown the other day. I think I’ve met a bigger weather snob than me.

Later on I went to Timpson’s* to have a watch battery replaced. The young man was prompt and courteous and reset my watch to the correct time - such a lovely extra touch. I asked if Timpson’s was as good an employer as they make out. He said he couldn’t fault them. They are the best employers he’s ever had, they gave him a managerial position despite not having previous managerial experience, and they gave him an interest-free loan when he first joined because he had some money problems. I’m not sure my employer would do that. And of course they are well known for recruiting ex-prisoners, a cause close to my heart. 

*Other cobblers/key cutters/watch battery replaces are available.

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