
Didn't last.

So Sir Tony has over a million hits in a petition to strip him of his 'Sir'. That is chicken feed in the interweb. Britany Spears latest nude snaps got more than that in 7 minutes. He delivered us from Thatcherism. OK Afghanistan may not have been his finest hour but that is one shitfest that will just keep giving.

Putin's office must be quite busy at the moment. Kazakhstan is his new playground. Shoot to kill without warning! Makes you glad we have a loveable pathological lying buffoon in charge. There must be a trustworthy politician somewhere? New Zealand can't have the only one surely?  

Apart from all that had a glass of beer this evening that had a dead woodlouse in it (I take it was dead, might have been really pissed).. The ingredients did not detail any Oniscus asellus. I thought to complain to the brewery but decided against it, yet reminded the whole health and safety thing was started by a slug in a bottle. Someone died.

Not one of my best days, but decent snow made a change and raised the spirits especially as you wave to BMW drivers as you cruise past their stricken vehicles in a land rover.

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