Family Dog

By Family_Dog

birthday burger

Earlier tonight, Bry popped through to show me the sponges he'd baked for Arlo's birthday cake, 2 plain sponge layers and a chocolate marble layer. He had no idea that the way he'd assembled it made it look like he'd baked a giant burger!

Once it's been filled with whipped cream and jam and butter icing I think it will be a sight to behold.

Tomorrow is Arlo's 1st birthday. "How can that be?" I hear you cry. "I know! I can't believe it myself", I reply.

I peeked in at my snoring son earlier and got a lump in my throat. 'We've succeeded', I thought to myself. We've managed to keep the little scrap breathing and fed and clothed and clean and warm and happy and content for 1 whole year. And looking back it doesn't feel like it was particularly hard. Even the hard bits were still amazing. And the bits that kept me up at night, now seem trivial.

I look back with a smile and I look forward with an excited grin. What's to become of us? What's to become of HIM?

But first, we party! Like all Family Dog birthdays, tomorrow is going to be one great big fat celebration.

Can't wait!

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