Dull Day in January

It was dry this morning, but soon started to rain, and hasn't stopped since.  Lighter rain tonight, and calm.

I got out walkies with Sammy after breakfast, and then popped by to help big Brian in the wood shed.  I had to nip down the road in the afternoon, and mam made me lunch.  Me and mam headed in to Laura's for a cuppa after.  A lazy late afternoon on the sofa, finally getting out with Sammy this evening, and didn't get too wet.  A quiet night now.

I had to pick up a van this afternoon, and hoped I would get out for a walk with Sammy too, no luck.  It was dull, breezy and wet, a very typical January day.  Why does January have to be so horrible?  Oh well, we are starting to see a bit more light in the days again, hope is here, and summer will be here before we know it.  Taken at Leebitten, Sandwick.  

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