Through The Autism Lens


True or False!?

Children with Autism often have trouble understanding what other people think and feel.

This is in fact TRUE!

I often have trouble understanding how the people around me are feeling and I am completely oblivious as to how they think as I assume they are all thinking the same as me.

This often gets me into trouble as I sometimes think literally.
For example; when I was little my Mom told me to go wash my hands in the downsteps I DID!! - She actually meant for me to wash my hands in the downsteps toilet sink!

BUT...with a LOT of help from my school and special people that come in to see me, I have learnt to recognise some of the signs.
Like today.
I know that my Mom has been feeling sad because I know what a sad face looks like and that's what her face looked like a few times when she thought nobody could see her.
I know that when I gave her a hug it made her feel better and when Dad came home she felt even better. I knew this because the smile on her face got bigger when she saw him.

I also know I don't like it when Mom is sad. It made me feel sad too.
When she went upsteps to put the washing away, I followed her and led on her bed stroking Mitzy. She was in a happy mood tonight and purred at me every time I put my hand near her. Then even though she was still purring, she wagged her tail at me, so I stopped. She looked straight at me and I could tell by the look in her eyes that she was happy.

Mom always tells me that you can tell a lot by the look in people's eyes and if I can't always tell by their faces, look into their eyes. I can do it with Mitzy but I still struggle with people. But I now know what she meant.

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