
I woke up from a bad night’s sleep, with a bit of a bunged heid, so had a quiet morning reading the papers before I went for an afternoon walk with her ladyship (meeting MrFT on the way) over to the sunken schooner. She’s never seen it, which was so very wrong.
Back home and there was no doubt, I was feeling a bit shivery. I’d had a bit of a strange smell in my nostrils on Thursday but tested back then and was negative. Maybe it was another cold, or just the old flu. Bah. Positive. 
So an evening resting up (no change there) and feeling quite achy but the slight pain in the napper was the worst it got. Nowhere to hide from that. I tried this medicine, but a lemsip later was more effective. Oh well, hopefully back out to join the world next Saturday. Unless I pass away of course. I shall write every blip as if it could be my last. The blue Bristol glass decanter is for you, Eileen.

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