
In someone's front garden.... beautiful.  Shot it while we took our usual walk.  Usual in the sense that it is our favourite route, but not usual in the sense that we do it everyday.  The forecasters predicted lousy weather but that was only for the north.  AW says it's a form of discrimination, as though The Hague and Amsterdam residents are the only ones who deserve an accurate forecast while the rest of the country are 'exceptions'.  Sometimes I have that idea, too, but I don't much care.  I look at the radar images online and follow the forecasters from other channels.  And sometimes I simply look out my own window and decide for myself.  Today, for instance, I could have gone on the hunt again, but the clouds were changing positions all the time, so not good.

European Speed Skating Championships began today with three golds for the Dutch out of the four events, so a good start and the perfect dry-run for the Olympics, which begin in four weeks.  The only potential spoiler for the Games?  You guessed right -- COVID.

Also got an email from the Viking today.  Apparently Jay has filed a case arguing that he is the only child of his parents.  On the one hand, true.  On the other hand, I have a birth certificate that proves otherwise, and his own birth certificate testifies that his parents have another child, one born earlier than he was, referring to me.  A blown fuse at the top floor?  Another dumb idea from his sycophants?  Who knows.  The Viking thinks that they think I am not in a position to contest this.  Really?  I think it is a dilatory tactic, a diversion to confuse and upset me.  While it might seem just plain crazy, I am not laughing.  The delay has been far more deplorable than the weather.

Gaming... housekeeping...... and AW left for Friday live bridge at Sweed's and Benna's.  It's nice to have an evening to one's self.

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