# With all the decorations still up …At last we managed to have our family christmas. In December The Revs family had all gone down with Covid like dominoes. Well everyone except his brother but we’ve always said he’s so negative:))))
The chefs did a fabulous job with the 3 bird roast and all the trimmings.
We played a funny present swop game bit like pass the parcel.
However dessert was not so successful cheersalthough #my chocolate log went down well I completely forgot to steam the pudding. Quick trip next door to use their microwave sorted it :)))) cheers
#such a great day…feel blessed that we were able to celebrate together.
#loved my glass from my sis-in-law with such a perfect sentiment ….”together again”
#also loved the delight on my great niece’s face…can safely say she liked her princess bubble machine.

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