'Spike's Walk'

He's never happier and we love it too...He must have run five miles for every one of ours and brought home a record of 5 ticks which I drowned in a glass of water. Hope I got all of them.

I had a phone call from Matt today who told me that granddaughter Claire arrived in Bologna for her junior semester abroad at the University of Boligna after spending a week with her boyfriend's family in San Moritz. 

Her accommodation was less than stellar...out in the middle of nowhere a 45 minute walk to the university campus. She went to the introductory dinner for the students in the full immersion program, felt unwell and tested positive for Covid, twice in the next hour. She is 20 years old and  triple vaccinated. Her worst fears  confirmed before she had even spent the night. She called her boyfriend who picked her up and took her back to San Moritz, declining quarantine  in the middle of nowhere, emailing the school on her way so that they could notify her dinner companions. 

Apparently she was quite sick, but is recovering now under the care of her boyfriend's mother who must be a saint. Her boyfriend's brother has it too, as does my niece, Annie who lives in Torino. Claire hasn't decided on her next step, but is leaning toward going back to Vassar for her junior year. 

Matthew said he must know at least 30 people who have tested positive for Covid now. We discussed Anthony Fauci's prediction, based on data from South Africa where the omicron variant apparently originated, that it would spike in the next two weeks and decline very quickly...probably based on the theory that by that time so many people would have had it that there would be some sort of herd immunity.

Everybody is exhausted by the whole thing....

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