NZ Autumn 2025

By AndrewNZ

Coneiferous Conefusion

The  cone does not do a lot they just spend most of their time just standing there and there is nothing that can be done to change that.
To put it in perspective there are 5.6 cones to every person in New Zealand that's 26.8 million of them, in the UK there are some 35 million cones but there is 60+ million people against just 5 million in New Zealand.
But there's more!
Australia has 68 million cones!
China has by far the most at 187 million.
Even India has 74 million.
The USA has just 5.2 million which surprised me even Russia has 19.8 million.
I hope that when you are driving down the road wherever you live that you take more notice of your surroundings and start counting just how many you see.
To keep inline with today's theme please go back and re-read this but in place of cone read sheep!

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