singing songs of spring...

...up in the tree top

high up in the tree...

did i say - high up? so high, in fact - this shot is really pretty rubbish (although i did get him singing) - but it doesn't matter - because it's the reflection of my day - and the fact that finally - finally, people, i spotted my first robin today! it's a happy skippy dancing day - 'cuz it means spring has truly arrived... that's right -

i was raised - whether there is truth in it or not, is not the point - that spring arrives upon the sighting of your 1st robin - while others may see theirs - that's fine - until you see yours, spring has not officially sprung... now that i've seen mine, for me, spring is here - boo!

all i can say is - it's about time... i'm ready for warmer temperatures - tootsie freedom - wearing a light sweater with no coat - and lots of sunshine to lift my face into - it goes without saying i'm also eager to see newborn goslings and ducklings - buds bursting forth with that bright green newness only spring can bring along - and the smells which will tickle my nose and senses - all these things come wrapped up like a little package for me - when i set my eyes on that very 1st robin of the year - it's a precious moment - one i long for after winters cold days are ready to be put to rest - one i stop and relish - knowing henceforth - i'm in for many...


happy day.....

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