Quart into a Pint pot
Quart into a Pint pot
Frances and her family moving in has given us the opportunity to have a really good sort out. We, really Sue, have spent part of this morning emptying cupboards to fit new items in and finding stuff we have not used for a long. Including food that is now out of date. A Topical discussion for today as Morrisons have just said on the news that the UK wastes a lot of food by throwing it out if its past its BBE date. We should follow the example of our grandparents and 'trust our noses' (Note I did not say 'Use Before Date')
Its good to have a spring clean and Sue has tried in the past to encourage me when I buy something new, to recycle the old. Note: This does not apply to Camera Bags :)
Image taken with a Lensbaby Composer with Zone Plate Optic fitted.
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