Three walks and no rain. Yay!

Managed to go out for three decent length walks today without getting caught in a rain shower.

First thing this morning I had a trek around town. Ann likes taking me around town 'cos she always meets people to have a little chat to.  In Edinburgh we hardly ever meet people to chat to.

After breakfast I went on a very muddy walk for about one and a half hours. It didn't rain but everywhere was extremely muddy.

This afternoon Ann wanted to go to Penzance so I went with her and waited patiently in the car while she went shopping in B&M, then I had an hours play on Longrock Beach. Yay! We got back to the car just as it started to rain but we're staying in for the rest of the evening now so we don't care if it rains.

Oh and just watching the news – it would seem there was another 'Downing Street lock down party' in May 2020? Seriously? In May 2020 we weren't even allowed to sit down on a bench outside. Most of them were taped off anyway. I remember Ann meeting a friend in the park and they sat on opposite ends of a bench with a M&S can of G&T like alcoholic old tramps and they had to keep a look out for the police who were actively moving people on if they dared to sit down. Seems like it was one rule for Downing St and one rule for the rest of us? Grrrrrrr.................. During the first lock down Ann pretty much followed all the rules. And remember that in first lock down we didn't even have 'support bubbles' so Ann was totally by herself for about 3 months. Hardly any real life human contact at all apart from a once a week supermarket shop and the occasional walk in the park with a friend, but at least she had me. It just makes a mockery out of the whole system doesn't it?

When we go back to Edinburgh in a couple of weeks time she certainly won't be sticking to the, 'only three households can meet indoors rule'. That must be the most stupid rule in the world for single people?????

And the other thing that my human thinks is pretty stupid is.................. reducing the isolation period to 5 days in England............ So all of a sudden if you have COVID you're not infectious after 5 days in England but in Scotland you are?

The whole thing is just becoming a joke now so my human is just going to do her own thing and do what she thinks is best for her. Actually she's pretty much been doing that since the end of first lock down anyway.

….............Enough ranting for one day. Grrrrrrr..................

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