
A busy day which started with a much needed session of Pilates. Lots of household tasks tackled including emptying Thomas’s bedroom in preparation for a new carpet being laid. Despite culling a number of items from his room when he was home, there was still a lot of thing to be moved.

Lacking inspiration on a dull grey day I decided to focus on items of special significance. This is a Victorian Wedding Cushion I received on my wedding day. The hand written note with it says…
A small token made by Julie for you both to remind you of your wedding day.
Something old - The square lace panel is late 19th century Irish crochet.
Something new - The edging lace, the pearls and the satin ribbon
Something borrowed - You may borrow my pins for 100 years!
Something blue - The blue silk which makes the cushion is a mid 19th century English Silk. Traditionally these little cushions were made as brooch holders. Mine has never been used for brooches but kept as a reminder of a special day and of the friend that created it.

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