Mum in the Moment

By muminthemoment

Ahoy there Captain!

Such fun!

And too much watching Miranda by the sound of it:)

The kids had the chalk in the garden today. It made me laugh to see 'Mrs Stewart and Capten Stewart' written on the step. Thankfully we get a lot of rain in Scotland so the pavement will be clean in no time:)

It's been a very satisfying day and evening. We went for a family walk and ended up at Binny Craig. I would have been quite happy to hang about at the bottom of it today but the kids and Capten Stewart decided they wanted to climb up.

I'm glad we did. It was worth the view and the kids got their usual geography lesson from Capten Stewart.

Friday evening and we are worshiping together and dreaming with God. It's good to be free. It's good to have choices. It's good to dream. It's good to challenge yourself and be challenged by others into walking out those dreams.

What are your dreams?

Are you taking steps to walk into those dreams?

I have had to cut 2 grey hairs out of my head this week. That's all the motivation I need! Haha!

Goodnight x

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