
Spent the day with Bulliblip and Ant Trails today but didn't want to be too late home with a couple of busy days ahead. Alas, disaster struck and the front tyre burst about 10 miles into our journey.

KK, like a mechanic at a McClaren pit stop, whipped out the spare and before long we were on our way again.

Five miles on and having just said 'We better not get another puncture now', guess what? The spare tyre shredded and we were well and truly snookered. The AA weren't much help so Ant Trails kindly set out to rescue us.

We pulled over into a quiet close (on the metal rim - ouch!) to park up. After a few minutes a kind chap came out of his house to check if we were OK or wanted a cup of tea or anything. This was music to my ears, as I was bursting for the loo. He chatted for a while with KK and then said he'd ring his friend from the garage. In minutes, the friend turned up and collected the wheel to see if he had anything like it. When he returned, he brought a tyre - not exactly the right one - but one that would at least get us home. Our other son came to meet us to follow us home in case of further trouble.

The provision of God and the love of family is so precious.

We arrived home very late but safe and sound.

Thanks to everyone.

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