Quince jelly
The first batch of quince made 4 jars. I HOPE it sets. I've kept the skimmy stuff to add to tonight's gravy, I might even spread some on the pork joint while it's cooking.
Had a whatsapp vidoe chat with Andreas & Mari. They are staying at Thiptara resort in Maenam. The only two staying there. What a luxury, a pool to themselves. I had a quick chat with Aom, the owner. We lived just around the corner from Thiptara for 7 years. The resort built 4 years after we arrived. Many of our friends stayed there over the years when visiting us on Koh Samui. Bars, restaurants, beach resorts, all closed. Andreas & Mari love the Thai street food so they are happy enough.
Thanks to Pinkhairedlady for hosting Tiny Tuesday
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