Foxes woods !

Yes that is what they are called. Often at night you see a few playing together in the road. I thought these were interesting bare branches , so this is the blip for today!
I had to return the monitor to the hospital today, with KJD's help ie to return said item , I drove & could park in the 10 minute " dropping off or picking up" space. Bless her she had friends going to lunch but she made time for her old mum, she's so kind. A first born and very wanted baby , suppose this is my reward.
Don't know why but I'm feeling extra tired today. Popped into Waitrose for a couple of items and feel as if I've walked up a mountain,( yes I have don't that in the past strange as it may seem)
Put the vacuum over the carpets & that's it for today I fear!
Do hope a pleasant is had by all.

Thank you so much K x

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